Outdoor explorer, animal intuitive, energy healer, life coach, and lucky HuMom of several animal companions
For as long as I can remember, I have always believed in magic, other realms and dimensions, and have been strongly connected to nature and animals. Thinking out of the mainstream box and striving to experience life differently has been a very challenging but very enriching journey. It lead me to study and dive in the complexity of the human mind and body, and develop a keen interest in metaphysics and quantum healing, as well as in better understanding the strong connection that exists between us humans, our planet and all living creatures .
This website is multifaceted. It is the results of my many lives, experiences and personal journey, and gathers most of my work on some of the many topics that I am so passionate about: The Adventurer Mindset, Animal Mindfulness, Intuitive & Quantum Healing, extreme endurance sports, mushing & outdoor adventures, the Striders Adventures tribe, the travels and unusual lifestyle that I share with my husband and animals. The website evolves and grows along with me. I regularly add more articles and resources for you.
Discover and enjoy the free resources on this website, (there are many!). You can also check the Outdoor Witch platform, the Youtube channel or contact me for enquiry or if you want to work with me.
My biggest wish is to free people from the fears and limits that keep them from living and experiencing life to the fullest. May the articles and other resources on this site empower and uplift you!
The Striders Adventures is a happy bunch of animals and people who love to explore and discover new places. Our tribe is made of 12 Alaskan huskies , our mascot dog called Sparta, a witch cat Milwyn and two beautiful horse, Ola. and Stella (since July 2023)
After several years of expeditions in different parts of Europe and mainly Scandinavia, we've been living a nomadic life in our camper truck for the past year. We are now up for a new Adventure: creating our own base camp in the heart of Sweden where we can keep the tribe safe during winter, and welcome visitors, friends, and...more animals!
Because I believe that animals and people are meant to help each other and thrive together! I am committed to creating a deeper understanding between people and their animal companions. Because happier animals make happier people. And vice versa.
Fears, traumas, unexplained diseases and anxiety… the method I have developed and fine-tuned with my own pack made of adopted or re-homed animals brings fascinating results!
The Striders Adventures is a happy bunch of animals and people who love to explore and discover new places. End 2024, our tribe is made of 13 Alaskan huskies , our mascot and witch cat Milwyn and three beautiful horses, Ola, Stella and Vixen
After several years of expeditions in different parts of Europe and mainly Scandinavia, we've been living a nomadic life in our camper truck for the past year. We are now up for a new Adventure: creating our own base camp in the heart of Sweden where we can keep the tribe safe during winter, and welcome visitors, friends, and...more animals!
Adventurer is a state of being and thinking that helps you live your life upon your own terms. With the right mindset, you can enjoy the ride in the midst of change and create an even brighter future for yourself!
Once you shift your Mindset, everything becomes possible.
Recovering from severe eating disorders, setting off on solo expeditions on my own & much more: if I have been able to achieve such big things (for me!), so can you! Life is happening now! Dive into it! You are ready to open the doors to your Dreams and to turn your life into the extraordinary adventure you deserve!
Check the Adventurer Mindset page for articles and free resources. I also work on 1:1 coaching sessions to guide you on your journey to the Best Version of You!
The Striders Adventures Association
To find homes for former sled dogs & support the Huskies that we have adopted
The Striders Adventures Association is a non-profit organisation created in 2019 to support animal welfare projects and organisations, and since 2021, has been mainly supporting the rehoming and adoption of former sled dogs in Finland & Sweden.
12 Huskies were adopted by the Association and your donations and sponsorship help us provide for them in the best possible way.
Read more about the Association, the dogs available for adoption, and our dogs
Sweden - Granberget View Lodge
Stays & Activities designed to Uplift your Spirits 🤩🌿
Authentic & Unique. Earthly & Magical. Nature & Animals.🐺🐴🐾 That's what we offer you at Granberget View Lodge ! 100% tailored packages
How to get the most of your collaboration with animals, whether it is communication, energy healing or any other training and activity your do with your animal friends. Get started the right way by applying these 7 key principles for more fun and better mutual understanding with your beloved pets!
Discover all the Adventurer Mindset resources here for you! Access the free tools and ebooks, grab a copy of my book on overcoming addictions, or buy the Morning Boost Online course.
May it be a breath of hope, a gust of positive expectations and a whiff of inspiration to help you on your own Adventurer path!
Animal Sessions
Online Course
The Witch Blog
Last articles
Unresolved emotions & unhealthy diet - root causes of diseases in pets (and people!)
If you are a pet parent who deeply cares for your animal/s, you should seriously read this.
If any of your pets is sick or have been diagnosed with cancer or any other incurable diseases, you MUST READ it. This article could save your animal’s life. Don’t miss out on this.
If I had known this on time, I could have saved two of my dogs’ life. Don't do the same mistake.
Dog cancer; healing, Budwig; emotions, EFT, OEFT, quantum healing, diet
Horses as Master Teachers
Life Lessons learnt from a Yearling
Today’s post is a story about a very sensitive horse that I recently met on my path. A story that illustrates so nicely how animals and humans can support each other when facing challenges, and how much we can learn from interacting together. This horse for sure touched me deeply and made me grow in ways I didn’t expect... I think it’s a beautiful story and wanted to share it with you. May it inspire you on your own journey. Horses are definitely master teachers.
Enjoy the read or watch the video!
horses, mindfulness, animal intuitive, personal growth, story, trust, relationship
Living a Normal Life?
On Feeling Loved and Safe
Recent events pushed me to explore further what “having a normal life” really meant and dig deeper into the concepts of feeling loved and safe. In these times considered as the Great Awakening of Humanity by many in the New Earth community, I am certain that I am far from being alone with this feeling of uncertainty. We find ourselves navigating in completely uncharted territories, where most of our old references and beliefs do not stand or make sense any longer.
self-love, manifestation, inner power, unknown, navigate changes, new earth, awakening