Meet the Striders Adventures!

Let us introduce you to the members of the tribe!

The Striders Adventures is a happy bunch of animals and their people, Rachel and Marc, who love to explore and discover new places. Our tribe is made of 15 Alaskan huskies , our mascot dog called Sparta, a witch cat Milwyn and two beautiful horses, Ola and Stella. Read more about them below.

After several years of expeditions in different parts of Europe and mainly Scandinavia, we've been living a nomadic life in our camper truck since 2022. We are now up for a new Adventure: creating our own base camp in the heart of Sweden where we can keep the tribe safe during winter, and welcome visitors, friends, and...more animals!

Follow our adventures on Instagram, YoutubeTiktok

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  • Meet Our Alaskan Huskies

    We are now the happy parents of 15 Alaskan Huskies all adopted over the past four years. Most are still active sled dogs which really enjoy running as part of our small team. We did two great racing seasons and we couldn't be more proud of them!

    Read their story and portraits here.

  • Sparta, the Mascot

    Our Sparta! She's the oldest dog in the family, and from the original Striders Adventures team. Along with her late sister Nyx, we've been on several expeditions and hiked over thousands of kilometers together!

    Now 13, she is enjoying easy days and fun walks, and is happy to have plenty of new companions to play with! She lives with us and Milwyn in the apartment part of the truck.

  • Ola, the beautiful Chica

    Ola joined the tribe in 2012, a bit unexpectedly! She's a Portugese x PRE mare, now aged 21 (!!!OMG!!!). She's been following Rachel on many trips through Europe and has already lived in Finland, Norway, Slovenia and now Sweden. She never minds traveling and moving from one place to the other, as long as her comfort is assured: food, water, safety and tons of attention! Ola and Milwyn are the ones you cannot deny anything! She has temper! but she's also extremely smart and wise. She loves both going for a ride or just a walk on the lead with the dogs.

    More on Ola on the old blog

  • Milwyn, the Witch Cat

    Sweet little deamon! Milwyn is our little treasure, and a very special cat. She communicates with us better than any other in the tribe Probably because she lived with us since she was barely three weeks old. She's always been traveling with us and feels at home in the truck and at any new place we land.

    There's so much to tell about her, that reading the whole story is the best thing to do!

  • Stella, the Golden Star

    Stella joined the tribe in July 2023 after she retired from the race track. She's a beautiful American Standardbred, bred for harness races in Finland.

    At age 7, she was given to us as her previous owners trusted that we could offer her the best life possible. She immediately clicked with Ola, and both are amazing travelers.  She got used to the dogs and our unusual lifestyle very quickly.

    I am so grateful and happy to have welcome Stella in our tribe and look forward to the wonderful time and adventures will have together!


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