6 Steps for better Animal Communication
How can I improve my Animal Communication?
Is it just my imagination? Am I making this up? I can't hear or see anything... These are questions that I regularly receive.
I wrote an entire blog post on this topic. Make sure you read it!
Here I want to come back on six practical steps that you can actually do to enhance your skills as an animal communicator and intuitive.
6 Practical Steps
1. Practice!
Practice, practice, practice. You cannot master skiing or painting like a pro without practising. It is the same with animal communication. The more you practice, the better you get. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or misinterpret something. It will help you develop and fine-tune your skills.
2. Calm your mind down
To be able to receive and tune into your subtle psychic abilities, you need to calm your active and busy mind down. To do this, you can use breathing techniques, or any meditation, or relaxation techniques you know to bring your mind activity down, which will increase your awareness level.
3. Connect with the Heart
Animal communication isn't a mind to mind communication. It’s a heart to heart, a soul to soul communication. Open your heart. Imagine that you are connecting with the soul and the heart of the animal and let the information flow naturally. Don’t force. It’s not hard, mental work. Let it sink in or flow to you.
4. Don’t let doubt stop you.
You will doubt yourself. We all do. It’s like the little devil on our shoulder. Let it be. Be aware of it but don’t pay attention to it. If you resist doubt, you give it energy aka “food” and thus, power. Do you doubt what you are thinking about? The answer you got to a question? Say it anyway! Write it down and then check it, ask for feedback from the animal’s person. Or if it is with your own animal, answer the question you think you get from them anyway. Assume it is true and speak out loud to your animal friend what you get. Sometimes, it is really strange, or it doesn’t really make sense. Write it down as it comes. You may also have an image from a place, a memory, or something from your past. Your brain is translating information that the animal sends by images, words, or situations it knows. What does it remind you of? How do you feel or did you feel then? Everything is important.
At first you may not be sure of what you get. Trust the first impressions, ideas, gut feelings you had. Remember, it is subtle. And if nothing comes through make your best guess. And if you can, get feedback. Step by step, you will understand how information comes to you and how you translate it.
5. Look at the world through the animal's eyes
This is a technique that works really well for me. I encourage you to try it. Step into the animal's shoes and look at the world through their eyes... Do this:
Proceed as usual to connect with the animal. Then think of the question you want to ask the animal. Now... imagine that you step into their body and can see. perceive and feel things through their eyes, their senses. Think of the question again. And note whatever answer or information comes through.
6. Intent is everything
Why do you want to communicate with animals? What are you interested in knowing? Everything is about intention. So being aware of what you are really interested in and setting an intention will greatly improve your communication. Again, there’s no right or wrong intention or interest, as long as it is done with respect and care for the animal. Let me give you an example. I love animal communication as it enhances my daily life and work with my own cat, horse, 3 home dogs and 10 huskies. It makes our life easier and I love talking with them. When working for other people’s animals, it must have a purpose and bring some added value to both the animal and their person. My main concern is their well-being and harmony between the human and their animal, so I get very good information on health issues or potential conflicts, and on what they like or dislike. It is harder for me (also because I don’t see much interest) in telling the colour of their beds or favourite toy - except if it is related to an issue at hand. Some communicators are great at giving such details. It is truly up to you. Maybe you will discover through practice what you are best at, what information comes easily to you and which don’t. Try! Be curious!
Welcome to animal communication! I wish you a lot of fun discovering this new world with your best animal friend!