Contact us

The Striders Adventures Association

To donate to the Association (Switzerland) or sponsor a dog

Swiss bank

Association The Striders Adventures
Chemin de la Verrière 16 - 1149 Berolle
Banque UBS - Succursale UBS de Nyon
IBAN : CH730022822814366301B

Swedish bank

Rachel Frei Bandieri
IBAN : SE4060000000000842357521

Contact us

The Striders Adventures Association, c/o Francine Bandieri

1269 Bassins

Base camp in Sweden:

Västra Granberget 3, 91797 Dorotea

Email:  rachel(a)

On Instagram @thestriders_adventures

Board members:
President Rachel Frei Bandieri
Co-president Marc Bandieri
Finances- Bookkeeping Francine Bandieri

Association Statutes  2021

(French only)



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