The Outdoor Witch Blog
Wake-up shout!
Really Rachel? Are YOU the one writing THIS? An article on "over-healthiness"? What's going on with you? Well, yes, indeed. I am. And I definitely believe I'm well-positioned to talk about this hot topic.
Yesterday, I saw a comment on social media from a well-known nutritionist who was "horrified" to see a guy pedaling at the gym, a bottle of Diet Coke as his "sport" drink. I spare you all the related comments that followed. Poor guy. He'd better hang himself than dare come back to the gym with that Devil's drink again. Vade retro satanas!
Some time ago, a friend told me that she'd read that drinking fruit smoothie was super unhealthy because of all the sugar fruit release when squeezed. Jeez! We're talking about pressed fruit here, not cyanide!
Hey there: where are we heading? do we really want to keep going down this road? Eat this. Don't eat that. Eat this to stay healthy. Avoid this not to get cancer. If I were you, I would go raw/vegan/Paleo/(add whatever you want!)... "Oh I truly shouldn't be eating that, it's not healthy/it's too fat/ it's not fat enough, etc..". And on and on.
Proclaimed death of common-sense?
There's no end to the above list. Each and everyone of us probably have thousand of similar examples and similar beliefs. Doctors, nutritionists, magasines, fitness instructors, yoga teachers, scientific studies...everyone has a (different) opinion on the matter... Everyone looks for solutions outside of themselves and blindly listen and follow those "who know better", going from one amazing diet to another. The New Holy Grail Quest.
It's not about being curious and asking for useful information or sound advice with a clear intention of getting a specific answer. It's about loosing any healthy hindsight and ability to think and choose for oneself.
Nikita Kachalowsky
Why in the first place do we look for solutions regarding health and food? Well, you will probably reply that it is to feel better, be healthier and stronger, run faster, have a beautiful skin, etc. But is it really? I mean, is it to move towards a positive goal? or is it to avoid something unwanted? Are you driven by a 100% positive outcome and you never think of its opposite? are you driven by pure love for your body to help it thrive and you with it? Or do you want to prevent getting any dreadful diseases from pimples to cancer? or are you scared of losing your hair or libido? Do you want to lose that extra weight or that belly fat? Assess honestly what the underlying reason behind your goal.. and I bet that most of the time it is FEAR-based and not love-based.
And then if we don't follow what we've been told, what we heard or learnt as "the right thing to do", we feel GUILTY.
Here we go again. Our two biggest monsters are back to the party:
And this starts very very early in life... Because that's what we're taught since a very young age. Because our Eastern society is based on fear, protection and prevention. And it's been going on for centuries..!
Healthy Lifestyle Tyranny
Credit Brooke Lark
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against being curious and looking for new ways to improve one's quality of life. Eating well is indeed great... as long as it makes you feel good. Going to the gym is fantastic as long as it makes you feel better and happy. I personally love doing endurance sports because I love spending time outside and being active. But I don't go to the gym anymore because I find it boring and I miss nature! Sometimes I walk, sometimes I run, cycle or go climbing. Sometimes I feel like doing a lot, sometimes not at all. But should I go caving or bungy-jumping even if I'm damn scared or hate it if I were told to because it's healthy? Why wouldn't it be the same with food? Sometimes you enjoy eating well. And sometimes you feel like not giving a damn! And, oh boy! how GOOD it feels!
And when I say feel good, I'm not thinking of quick superficial fix to compensate inner emptiness or any feeling of lack and unworthiness. It's about feeling truly genuinely good. Happy. Alive. Dynamic. Creative. Free. Empowered. Energised. Relaxed. Whatever resonates with feeling good and well-being for you.
Yes, I'm slightly upset - and mainly sad - by this new social snobbery about eating healthy, living healthy, being healthy, acting healthy. The new Dictatorship. People are scared of what other people may think "if they spot me with this awfully unhealthy sugar-loaded soda"... How many times a day do you caught yourself excusing or justifying why you're doing this or eating that? So you won't be judged for acting the way you do or indulging yourself with a bit too much chocolate or caffeine.
And it's a big lie anyway. Because we all are human. And therefore imperfect. Nobody can eat perfectly all the time. Nobody can act, be, do everything according to the "Right Standard" all the time. Fortunately! Perfection is boring and kills creativity, freedom and fun! There's good in flaws and contrast. A famous French screenwriter and author, Michel Audiard, said (my free translation):
Which standards to follow by the way? The ones that are right for me? or right for you? or for that guy over there or that gal there? Not two people have the same standards, the same preferences, the same tastes and distates. That's called Diversity. CONTRAST. And that's what allows each and one of us to clarify and define our very own preferences and make choices accordingly.
Credit Charles Deluvio
Criticism - a trendy Addiction
After all, what do we know about anybody else's life? What do we know about this guy who's drinking diet Coke while cycling? Maybe he had a bad day and comes here just to change his mind? Maybe he suffers from deep depression and getting out to the gym is already a major step forward for him... Maybe he's simply enjoying some sports AND a Diet Coke because he likes it...!
My point is: we 're always judging and criticising ourselves and others based on what we know and have, from our point of view, background and life experience. And it's only a point of view. One reality among billions of others. I will write more on that specific topic later on because there so much to say on this! I mentioned it here because when we either criticise others' behaviours and "unhealthy" habits - or feel guilty for our own lack of this or too much of that, we lose sight of ourselves, of our real needs and preferences and hand our power to others to make us feel good, decide for us what is good and what is bad for ourselves. Yes, we totally give away our inner power, our own will and ability to figure out by ourselves to others. And when we can't keep up with solutions or orders provided by others, we feel GUILTY, miserable and less than anything! Bang! self-confidence crash!
And it's especially true regarding food. FOOD! one of the most natural and basic need of any human beings has become a real torture for our modern Eastern society. If you keep looking for solutions to eat better, feel better, be slimmer among the thousand of different methods on the market without claiming your own ability to chose for yourself, you simply end up feeling totally lost, frustrated and disempowered. "I'm never gonna make it", "I'll always be fat", "Nothing works", etc 😱
And (self-)criticism is addictive.
So here's a great tool that I'd love to share with you:
Life -changing Action Steps:
- Stay away from any criticism, judgment, nasty comment, complain or unpleasant gossip regarding others for one full day. Yes indeed. Give it a try. If you're totally new to that exercise, you'll see how tricky it is!
- More challenging: try the same with YOURSELF. No self-criticism, no nasty word, no inner negative thoughts or talk, no self-blame for at least one day..
- Take it further: Become aware day after day, talk after talk, thought after thought, of any criticising, judgmental or negative thoughts whether towards other people or yourself. And when you catch yourself, decide to stop and focus on something else, think of something that makes you feel good instead or change your inner dialogue.
- Only for the Braves!: Once and for all, decide to totally give up on Criticism & co ! and choose to use that energy to focus on what pleases you and create what you want instead.
Trust me: giving up on criticism is extremely powerful! It lightens up your life! Yes, YOUR LIFE! it impacts on everything else: your health, your mood, your relationship, your general level of happiness, your abundance! Why not giving it a try then?
Try it! And let me know how it works for you, what does it trigger, change or improve for you!
Credit Brooke Lark |
Claim your power back!
I know all too well how it feels to be totally obsessed and helpless when it comes to food. I've spent so many years - since age 14! - fighting with food and my own body, trying all the possible methods and diets in the world, which only lead me to serious health challenges and eating disorders. One day, I might tell you my story. Ultimately I got out of this ongoing nightmare by following and trusting my inner guidance and listening to my body needs - and totally giving up on anything else (methods, advice, diets). I discovered a new FREEDOM. And it felt so GOOD!!!
Today my job is to inspire people and help them find their own truth and what really works for them, what makes them feel good, awesome, happy in and with their body. What resonates and aligns with their own story and own values. Not mine.Not somebody else.
Even if something totally shock you in the way other people eat, their food can't jump in your plate! So don't waste your energy getting upset by their "unhealthy" habits and mind yours! Among the thousand of methods out there, if one or the other resonates with you and APPEALS to you, then go for it. Why not? But follow YOUR guidance. And then, teach by example. Be the person you want to be for yourself and if you inspire others to follow your example or lifestyle, that 's great! And if not, that's great too. As long as you feel good and enjoy the way you live your own life, you're irradiating a positive glow around you and that's beneficial to all those that surround you. Stay away from sugar, gluten, meat, you name it, if it doesn't make you feel good, happy and in tune with your own beliefs and values. Never force yourself to eat or drink or do something that strongly disagree with your own beliefs system. Inner conflict and inner discordance are far more detrimental to your well-being and your happiness than anything else. Follow what your instinct tells you, what your body tells you and you can't get wrong.
Rachel xx
PS: Want to find out more about my story and how I set free from eating disorders? Check the page on my book or grab your copy directly on Amazon
If you want my support to ignite more Magic in your life and/or start living a Life that really feels good, contact me or check my online resources!
Jessica Lewis